10 Years of X Mount: November Theme

Despite the uncertainty if there would be a theme set by Fujifilm this month, due to the rebranding of their account that designated the themes each month, Fujifilm did share what the focus would be. This month’s theme for the celebration of Ten Years of X Mount is all about showing off your Macro shots. This was exciting as I have had a ton of fun with a macro lens since my introduction to macro photography with the Tamron 60mm Macro that I used with my old Canon t5i a few years ago. It quickly became a go to lens for macro (obviously) and portraits, allowing me to get super close to my subjects.

I haven’t been able to shoot a whole lot of new stuff for this month’s theme, but I also want to recognize some of my other work that I’ve done with it. Using the 80mm Macro, which I talked about in my favorite lens post, I’ve been able to capture wonderful close up shots. Whether of flowers or insects, even Lego, macro opens up a new perspective on the world that might go unnoticed during our day to day lives.

Macro has been such a unique niche in photography, but also has its uses in Stop Motion Animation. When I was practicing that frequently (not so much these days) I had rented the Tamron 60mm Macro to shoot a four minute short using Lego. Since they are so small, I had to get in close for certain shots which the Macro allowed me to do. Check it out to see what I’m talking about!

One more month left of celebrating Ten Years of X Mount! Crazy how fast this year has flown by. I’m curious to see what the last theme will be. Holidays are also approaching and before you know it it’ll be 2023. Not something I wish to think about, but it’s coming up. I hope everyone has good holidays; I also wish for everyone to be safe. It’s that time of year where everything seems to get really intense due to the holidays, so please be safe out there while you spend time with those around you and celebrate this time of year. This was a short post, but I’ll be back again soon with another post, most likely about the final theme for December.

Take care everyone!


10 Years of X Mount: December Theme


10 Years of X Mount: October Theme