10 Years of X Mount: October Theme

Happy Halloween everyone! As the month of October comes to a close, we are going to discuss Fujifilm’s set theme for this month: ‘Showing off your favorite Landscape Photos!’ Of the places that I’ve traveled to, especially since acquiring my first Fujifilm camera, the X-T3, there was one place that came to mind that I found breath taking - Burlingame and Napa Valley in California. Both of these spots I was in awe of the vast openness and the lush trees that scattered the land. One of the photos is currently featured as my cover photo for my website and as such is something that should be printed out in a large 11x17 or 24x36 poster (I'll get on that eventually). For my first time in California, I was excited to experience these sights and am thankful that I had the trusty Fujifilm XF 100-400mm lens in my arsenal. Without it, I would not have been able to capture the photos from Burlingame. The photos from Napa Valley were captured with the XF 18-55mm kit lens.

Burlingame, California

Burlingame, California

Burlingame, California

Burlingame, California

Napa Valley, California

Napa Valley, California

I hope that I can soon go out again to the West Coast to capture more of these sweeping landscapes. These have been my first to show people when they ask to see any landscapes I’ve captured - especially the black and white ones.

This was a short blog post, I wanted to be sure to get this out on time and keep on track with the monthly themes set by Fujifilm. I wrote in my previous post that the account that was featuring all these themes is currently no where to be found, and I’m not sure if Fujifilm is going to post it somewhere else, or if they’ve given up on the monthly themes. Regardless, if they do not post something for it tomorrow, I will think of some theme to give myself that way I have done the full year of these. I’ve enjoyed them, too, as they’ve given me something to think about each month to look back upon, or to go out and shoot for and then write about my experiences. Today is Halloween, I hope that everyone has a wonderful, safe, and spooky Halloween if you are celebrating. I’ll be back soon with another post.


10 Years of X Mount: November Theme


Traveling Abroad - What’s in my Camera Bag?