10 Years of X Mount: December Theme

It feels as if these blog posts started just a few weeks ago, but the final month of 2022 is upon us. This brings a close to Fujifilm’s 10 Years of X Mount celebration, and what a year it’s been. It’s been wonderful to participate in these themes each month and share photos that represent the corresponding theme. To close out this series, Fujifilm’s theme for the month of December is ‘sharing an image that best depicts your passion or love’. Since the announcement of this theme, I thought a lot about what photo or image might represent that. When it comes down to it, no matter where I’m at, as long as I have a camera in hand I know I can create - that alone fuels me and ignites passion for what I do. To have an image that reflects that though, after some time thinking about it, one image comes to mind.

A little over two years ago, I experienced living in the moment with photography, a great reminder about why I love what I do. There was a great fog over the lake that I live close to, and I didn’t have my X-T3 with me at the time, yet I took the risk of being late to my hob at the time to drive back home, get my gear, and come back to the lake to capture the sight. It was bitter cold out, around 30 degrees, and the water must have been warmer than the air, creating the dense fog - something I would not want to miss when it was rare that something like this would happen in Austin, Texas. When I got back to the spot I wanted to capture, which was a dock leading out into the lake, a brave kayaker came into view, and I managed to get a shot of the kayaker center frame, in the thick of the fog.

I could have been late, stuck at a traffic light. Maybe my shoelace could have come undone, or I could have wasted time deciding what lens to bring. I could have missed this shot, even if I was a second late, but I didn’t. I was where I was supposed to be, and was able to capture one of my favorite photos. When I think about this photo, I think about the risk to get the shot - the chance to take to be able to live in the moment, live for the moment and experience what’s happening around me. It was such an exciting moment for me to catch this - and it’s something that drives my passion for photography and living in the moment. “Capture the moment”, if you will.


Get out there, go shoot. Experience and live.


It’s wild to think about how fast this year went by. I want to thank Fujifilm for creating this awesome celebration of their cameras and lenses, as well as giving me something fun to do each month. It’s weird to think about them not continuing and giving new themes each month, but it has come to a close. I also want to thank you, the reader if you’ve seen each of these twelve posts, whether here or on Instagram, this has been super fun to do. I’ll be back with at least one more post before the year ends, until then, Happy Holidays! I hope you all have the chance to surround yourselves with loved ones and take some time to unwind and relax. Remember, you deserve it.


Dealing with the Ordinary (Thoughts at the Close of 2022)


10 Years of X Mount: November Theme