Traveling Abroad - What’s in my Camera Bag?

It’s been about three years since I last traveled outside the country. When I went to Aruba, I was still shooting with both my Canon and my newly acquired Fujifilm X-T3. This also meant that I was bringing most of my lenses as well: XF 18-55, Tampon 60mm Macro, EF 70-300, Ef 24mm, EF 50mm, etc. Along with a tripod, extra batteries, a GoPro, and a computer to edit on the go - it was just too much. So this time, as I embark to Costa Rica, I wanted to only bring the essentials and I would like to share it all with you. I see people do this all the time on Youtube and TikTok, but as I focus on blogging rather than creating videos, perhaps it has a spot here to showcase and explain my thought process behind what I choose to bring.

What’s rough is that I am a person who wants to be prepared for just about anything. When I went to Aruba, I wanted to bring both systems just in case I needed to switch to my Canon for the 60mm Macro or the 70-300 telephoto lens. I had just gotten the Fujifilm camera, and only had the one lens and wanted to be sure if I needed to get something from far away, I knew I’d be able to capture it by switching systems. Half of me wishes I had challenged myself, but I also wouldn't have captured beautiful macro shots from the Butterfly Gardens. So, this time, I’m taking time to think about what I am truly going to need to get the shots that I would like, and especially what is realistic to carrying around every day.

To start things off, I am brining the new Fujifilm X-H2S. I acquired this camera around a month ago, and I couldn't be more excited to bring a new camera on a trip like this. With it’s new stacked sensor and it’s 40 frames per second (on electronic shutter only, still wild though) it’ll be perfect for any wildlife I might encounter. Along with that camera I am only bringing two lenses - the 16-55mm and the the 100-400mm lens. I’ve been using these two lenses almost exclusively with the X-H2S and the performance with both have been stellar. Between both of those lenses it’ll cover pretty much everything I need. I considered the 80mm Macro, but I’m not sure how often I’d be using it and I also have to consider bringing that around with me as well. I want to try to keep this as lightweight as possible.

Along with the mirrorless camera system, I am going to be bringing the Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo. I talked about this in a previous blog post, but I love the simplicity of this camera. A great walk around camera and honestly I’m sure it’ll be the camera that Olivia uses more than I will. It will serve it’s purpose for instant prints and it’ll be something cute for Olivia and I. It’ll be fun to try out different filter effects while we’re there. I decided rather last minute that I’ll be taking my Olympus Superzoom 760, a 35mm point and shoot camera, since I still have some rolls of Kodak Portra, a roll of Ilford Black and White, and a roll of Fujifilm Superia 400. I was hesitant on this but after getting scans back from our Orlando trip, I really wanted to get some film photos. Besides, that’s what I should be using film for - important trips or events - make it feel special (since film is so expensive these days). The last camera that I’m bringing will be the GoPro Hero 8. We’re going horseback riding and zip lining, and to capture clips here and there for B Roll or really just anything. It’s small and out of the way as well as waterproof so I can take it underwater as well.

Some of the little extra things include the Cinebloom 20% filter and a Variable ND for and video work I do on the X-H2S, some attachments for the GoPro like the head strap mount, the floater handle for the water, as well as the Peak Design Capture Clip. The Capture Clip can be mounted on my camera bag strap and I can use that for the GoPro or for the X-H2S. I can place the GoPro there to capture footage while taking photos, or if it’s on the X-H2S I can slide it into the capture clip if I need to be hands free and don't want to set the camera down. I’ll also have necessary things like SD Cards, a 1TB external SSD to store all my data, a cleaning kit for the lenses, and of course a laptop to use to edit anything on the go.


Now, this blog post was supposed to be live two weeks ago, there were some life things that came up, but I can finish this now and give my thoughts on how this strategy worked for me.

If I could carry less, I would. However, I did utilize both the 16-55mm lens as well as the 100-400mm lens. with both of those I do have to carry some sort of backpack, they, along with the camera body itself, simply would not fit into a sling bag (obviously). I’m glad I did not bring any other lenses, I felt that I was able to get the shots I saw in my head with those alone. The Instax Mini Evo was great, but Olivia ended up using it more than I did, which was the point, and I the film camera was used, but I did not go through all the film. In fact, my second roll in I had to hurry and use it up before heading to the airport that way it could be hand checked and not be damaged by going through the x-ray. I probably could have carried less film and would have been fine. That also goes for the film for the Mini Evo, which we hardly printed at all. We could have just waited to get back home to then print out - that way it wasn’t so many things for them to hand check.

Overall, what I brought was essential, but I wish it wouldn't be so much to carry. A thought that struck me was having the Fujifilm x100v to throw in a sling bag - but the only issue with that is not having any zoom functionality. It’s something that I have to deal with, but it wasn’t anything like what I’ve carried in the past, and when I left my MacBook in the hotel, it was significantly lighter - easier on my back for sure. I think the staple for my travels will be the X-H2S with he two lenses, the 16-55mm and the 100-400mm, with the possibility of film if I want to bring it. Ideally, in the future I would like to obtain an iPad for any edits I’d like to do on the go, since the MacBook takes up a bit more room, and that would be a great way to save space and weight in the bag. At least I didn't have that much stuff this time around, even with all the excess film, it could have been like Aruba which was honestly way too much. Between both lenses, I was able to get the shots I needed, and it covered everything - the macro lens is something that is usually used for portraits, stop motion animation, or macro shots like flowers and what not - I couldn't justify bringing that along and I’m glad I left it.


I’ll be traveling again soon with the X-H2S and will be using the same gear, minus the Instax Mini Evo I think (unless Olivia wants it) but I think that’ll make it easier to get around.


I’ll be back with another post soon. I was going to write about this month’s X Mount Theme, though it seems that the ‘FujifilmXWorld’ account is gone and those posts have been deleted - so I’m honestly not sure what’s going on with that, but I remember it was about showing off your favorite landscape photo. I’ll write something up for it, but I’m not sure what to do about November and December - perhaps I’ll make something up.


10 Years of X Mount: October Theme


10 Years of X Mount: September Theme