10 Years of X Mount: March Theme

Since my switch to the X mount system back in 2019, I’ve slowly acquired lenses to my arsenal. Going from an entire collection on one type of mount and then switching to Fuji has taken time since the cost of lenses isn’t exactly cheap. However, there is one lens I knew I would need for the types of photos I shoot - a macro lens. Fujifilm had two lenses to choose from, the 60mm f/2 and the 80mm f/2.8. Wanting something more telephoto, I chose the 80mm. This became my first lens purchased for the X mount system after acquiring the X-T3 and the 18-55mm kit lens. In the celebration of Ten Years of X Mount, this month’s theme is ‘Your Favorite X Mount Lens’. 

Originally when I acquired this lens, it was for the purpose of shooting Stop Motion Animation and capturing small details for it. When not using it for Stop Motion, I find it to be a useful lens for portraits as well. Not being restricted by most lenses that have a minimum focus distance, a macro lens allows me to get some wonderful extreme (very extreme) close ups. Despite using other lenses, whether made by Fujifilm or another company, I find myself always coming back to the 80mm. It was used for most set photos and bts for the upcoming feature film, ‘Hi.’, and has been my go to stock photos of flowers and tiny insects or objects. Below are a bunch of examples of photos used with the 80mm.


10 Years of X Mount: April Theme


10 Years of X-Mount: February Theme