10 Years of X-Mount: February Theme

Stepping out from behind the camera (what feels like a rare occurrence on here) to share my appreciation for the camera that I use. Announced last month, Fujifilm is celebrating ten years of their X mount cameras! This month’s theme is ‘Your First X-Mount Camera’, which for me, is the X-T3.

I still remember when my roommate, Nikko, burst open the door into my room to tell me about the X-T3, as we were both looking to upgrade to new cameras. I was using a Canon t5i at the time, and suffered from a severe case of tunnel vision, and couldn't really look outside the realm of Canon. That was until that night Nikko told me to look into it. The design was intriguing - robust, practical, and elegant. After a few months of research on the brand, their cameras, and lenses that Fujifilm provided, Nikko made the jump first. He got the X-T3 and once I got it in my hands, I knew I also had to make the jump and convert.

Since May of 2019 (which may not seem long, but looking back it feels like ages), I have taken this camera out of the country and to several different states. It has been with me for some of my most important work and has gotten me through shooting stills for the feature film, “Hi.”. This tool has been my only camera for nearly two years (after selling my canon gear) and I’ve gone all in on the X mount system. Lightweight and portable, with different film simulations to choose from and customize, this camera has been perfect for me. Even though I will be moving on from this camera to the X Pro 3 soon, the X-T3 will forever have a place in my heart. Is it weird to say that about a tool? Maybe. After all, it is the photographer, not the camera. Still, the camera has brought my vision to life, and I couldn't be happier.


10 Years of X Mount: March Theme


Discovering 35mm Film Photography