World Photography Day & A Pleasant Surprise

It was Friday, August 19th, 2022.

Fujifilm was hosting an event in East Austin to celebrate World Photography Day. They had gear there to try out - cameras, lenses - even their GFX (medium format) series to use to take photos around their table. They also had their X-Collaborators/X-Creators Jay Ybarra and Jasmine Quinones (go check out their work, they’re both brilliant) in attendance to go on a photo walk around East Austin with the guests that showed up. I decided that it might be cool to go, just to try to meet other people or get some shots of the event. I took the X-T3 with the 18-55mm lens, the 80mm Macro, and my Instax Mini Evo to document my experience. I called up my buddy Jake to double check to see if he was still able to make it there, which, he fortunately was still able to go. We headed to Lustre Pearl where the event was outside. It was a hot, party cloudy day but that didn't stop Jake nor myself from going - yet, the Chicago in me is still not used to the Austin heat. Fujifilm had a whole table full of lenses and camera bodies, as well as some free shirts and hats, and a giveaway to sign up for. Jake and I tried out some gear, my eyes fixated on Fujifilm’s X-Pro 3 and their GFX cameras. Whenever I get my hands on the GFX 100s, I’m blown away, even by these simple photos just from around the table. The sensor size is huge and is also 102 mega pixels which looks stunning, even when I have to drop the resolution down to be able to upload them here.

Captured on the Fujifilm GFX 100s

Captured on the Fujifilm GFX 100s

Captured on the Fujifilm GFX 100s

Captured on the Fujifilm GFX 100s

Captured on the Fujifilm GFX 100s

Captured on the Fujifilm X-Pro 3

Captured on the Fujifilm X-Pro 3

After drooling all over Fujifilm’s expensive cameras and lenses, we got some food and both Jay and Jasmine gathered everyone who wanted to participate on their photo walk in the neighborhood. We walked around for around an hour or so, got to shoot some skateboard tricks, aesthetic cars and houses, models that came with us, and of course - each other photographing things. Below are the photos I captured with the X-T3 and the 18-55mm (except the last shot, that was with the 80mm).

And below this are the photos I took with the Instax Mini Evo!

I had never been on a photo walk with a group of photographers before, so this was a fun experience. I’m glad I pushed myself a bit more outside my comfort zone and attended something like this (and Jake, thanks for meeting up with me otherwise I probably just would have been super quiet like usual). Getting out and talking about photography and collaborating with others is something I want to do more if I can, so I really appreciate Fujfiilm for setting this event up. It helps people like me, who love to talk about photography and share photos online, yet maybe are a bit more reserved and quiet in person. It helped me at least get out there and discuss photography and just have a good time with other photographers.

We headed back to Lustre Pearl just as dark skies started approaching, and we got back at the right time, too, since it completely poured maybe five minutes after returning. Everyone headed inside Lustre Pearl where there was some lighting set up for some portrait shoots. Jake and I hung around a little bit longer, but I couldn’t stay too much longer, having to leave by a certain time. Overall though, it was an awesome event. I’m really glad that I attended for a few reasons. Like I mentioned in the last paragraph, it really helped me get out and connect with other photographers. Even if I only talked to a couple, it’s small progress since I’m working on being more open and not “stuck inside my shell”. I loved capturing the event and getting to test out gear again - its refreshing and I just love geeking out about it. Last, I’m glad I attended because of the giveaway, which brings us to the ‘pleasant surprise’ part of the blog.

The Giveaway Prize

I’m not normally one to win things. I signed up for this giveaway at the event because the worst thing that could happen is that I don’t win, so nothing changes, you know? However, I received a message from someone who works for Fujifilm (and it was legit) letting me know that I was picked! I was floored. I thought it might have been a scam at first. This was not the case - I had won a Fujifilm X-H2S along with a 16-55mm lens. I couldn’t believe it. I called my girlfriend straight away and shared my excitement. Me, of all people, won this amazing combo - I could hardly believe it. As I anticipated its arrival, all I could think about was how grateful I felt. The X-T3 was doing so well for me, but I had thought about upgrading to something for some time now. Knowing that I would have this high end camera and learning about it’s capabilities, I was just so grateful that I would have this opportunity to use it as my next main camera. So, Fujifilm, if you’re reading this, or ever see this - thank you. You have no idea what this camera means to me.

A pleasant surprise, indeed. I cannot wait to discuss more about this camera and share my thoughts. I would have gotten this blog post out sooner, but I’ve been pretty distracted by this camera and everything it can do. It feels like I’ve come a long way as a photographer. From my early days in 2016 using that little GoPro camera to capture those wide angle shots, to the Canon t3i, upgrading to the X-T3, and now to the X-H2S. All I can say is that I feel really grateful. Thank you again Fujifilm, and thank you, reader, whether you’re just discovering me and my work or if you’ve been here since those GoPro days, I appreciate you.

Til next time.


10 Years of X Mount: September Theme


10 Years of X Mount: August Theme