Full Circle

Over the past two weeks I have been going through every single photo that I have taken. At least, since I got everything started with my Canon t5i back in September of 2016. I didn't start taking photography seriously until I had an opportunity for a friend to make a logo for me. Thats when things started to change. My Facebook Page was created in May of 2017, with my first posts all being about the recent Comic Con I'd gone to, C2E2. It was my first real chance to photograph people dressed up into their favorite characters. While everyone looked great, my camera skills were not…but hey, we all gotta start somewhere, right?

Flash forward to May 6th, 2020.

I just got back into video editing. My clips from my vacation trip to Aruba were almost done. Though I was starting to build my Youtube Channel up again, there was something I still had not accomplished. Creating a website. Boom. Just like that, as I was finishing one project, I had another lined up. If you are reading this, my website is up. It's finally live with not only myself presented, but for the first time, a full gallery of what I see (and with the help of selected few) as my best work together for the first time. What a feeling that is.

I went back in time as searched for all these photos. I saw something in myself that I don't see every day. Progress. Real time, progress. I don't often go back and look at my older work. Now, having to face the quest of gathering the best photos for this gallery, I found myself feeling proud of what I've done so far. I may not be making a ton of money, if any at the moment for my photography, but looking at every moment captured…to me, that's priceless.

Here we are. Hundreds of photos later: A full gallery of my work. A running website. To me, this means everything. I hope you find it enjoyable, too. If you have been following me from the beginning, you may have seen the change in not only my work, but how I've grown as a person since I started. Even if you are just now finding my photography, I plan on continuing for a very long time, in pursuit of traveling and photographing everything that I see beauty in. I hope you all stick around to see.


The Biggest Mistake I Made as a Photographer