Ten Years of X Mount: June Theme

The last year has felt like a whirlwind, everything rushing by and gradually gaining momentum. I believe it really picked up when I decided to join Director Olivia Nash and become her stills photographer for her first Feature Film, ‘Hi.’ Working on set for the first time was exhilarating yet, terrifying - not having work like this before, and watching a full feature be pieced together. I was responsible for all the Behind The Scenes and Stills that would help promote the film and I quickly felt the weight fall on my shoulders. Luckily, I believe I did alright. I learned a lot, realized things I could have done better, settings I should have kept up with and ways I could have taken those photos. Now, what does this have to do with June’s theme? I’m glad you asked (did you though?). This month’s theme is ‘Motion’, and the photo I have chosen is a Behind The Scenes shot from day sixteen, easily the most challenging day working on set.

In the photo, you can see actress/director/producer/writer Olivia Nash with actor Chase Pollock, to the left Cinematographer/Editor Daniel Grisak. This shot was taken with the Fujifilm X-T3 paired with the wonderful XF 18 to 55mm kit lens (yes, this kit lens is still that good!).

This became one of my favorite shots from working on this production. Being able to capture Chase pulling Olivia off her feet, the dust being kicked up - freezing time here in this moment, while Daniel is capturing the motion on his end - I just love it. It’s that cool action shot.

Since I took this job, my life has changed completely. It changed the way I viewed how I want to work and what kind of photography jobs I want to take. What communities I want to surround myself with. Going from a nine to five job and then to this was inspirational. Creating and collaborating on projects like this was a step in the right direction for me. Being able to experience something completely new yet still feeling comfortable enough to show everyone my talents and how I could help contribute to this project - it made me really happy. I felt like my life was *in motion* naturally and I felt that progression. It sounds cheesy, I know, but it’s the truth. I’m grateful for this project and everyone involved in it. I’m especially grateful for Jake Stockstill for introducing me to Olivia and I’m most grateful for her - since she recognized me and damn near immediately asked me to be apart of this world she created.

The film nears completion, we actually have a fundraiser coming up for it on Wednesday, June 29th (if you live in the Austin area you should totally go), and we will also have an indiegogo live the same day for those who cannot attend.

This month’s theme was a little difficult for me honestly. I had ideas of doing a long exposure of cars going by near Pennybacker Bridge, but between one of my jobs and prepping for the fundraiser, I was unable to go out there (also slight laziness, but that’s besides the point). I’m glad I was able to incorporate one of the BTS photos from Hi. into this so I could continue with the themes each month while also talking about the film and my experience working on it. Looking forward to seeing what Fujifilm has in store for July’s theme!


This Lens Cost Me Less Than $25


Fujifilm XF 100 to 400mm Telephoto - One Year Later