10 Years of X Mount: May’s Theme

What are the odds that after choosing what film simulation I liked best that this month’s theme would be all about that same film simulation? This month’s theme is all about showing off Monochrome Photos and how the art is used to bring more attention to the subject of what’s being photographed! In my last post I showed off most of my favorite images using this Monochrome film simulation, and for this month’s post what I’m going to do is shoot a portion of my work in this Monochrome film simulation (once again, going off of FujiXWeekly’s ‘Dramatic Monochrome’ Film recipe.

This month I will be traveling to Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, so this will be a great opportunity to shoot some street photography of passerby's and scenery from the park. On this trip I will be bringing the Fujifilm X-T3 along with the 18-55mm lens and the 80mm Macro lens. I will be shooting a good portion of my photos in this ‘Dramatic Monochrome’ film recipe and only adjust them by cropping or leveling them out - no other edits made to these photos to celebrate the monochrome look and style!

When I first entered Diagon Alley, I knew that not only was it going to be a magical experience (I have been dying to visit this place since its opening twelve years ago), but it was also going to look incredible in monochrome. The harsh contrast from the sunny day along with the deep shadows from the brick stores down the alleyway felt so rich and organic - like it was meant to be shot like this.

Another month of shooting with this simulation was quite fun honestly (I will never not love shooting ‘Dramatic Monochrome). This is my favorite simulation to shoot in, so being able to experience Universal Studios in Florida was an awesome experience and I fell in love with these shots. I primarily stayed around the Diagon Alley/Hogsmeade side of the park, with the few exceptions like the chocolate factory on the City Walk just outside one of the parks.

This month’s photos feels so fresh, since I really wanted to create now images to show off since last month’s post consisted of a collection of monochrome images from the past two/three years. Challenging myself to create some new ones for this month’s post was a great experience and I cannot wait to see what next month’s challenge will be.

If you made it to the end of this, thank you for reading! To see last month’s challenge you and click on the arrow pointing to the right below the comment section! Let me know what you think of this month’s collection of photos! I’ll be back with another post soon for next month’s theme!


Fujifilm XF 100 to 400mm Telephoto - One Year Later


10 Years of X Mount: April Theme