10 Years of X Mount: July Theme

There’s something different every day when shooting street photography. No matter where you’re at, small town or busy city, there is something to document about the average everyday lifestyle. When FujifilmXWorld announced that this month’s theme would be about street photography, that excited me and I wanted to take a look back at what I’ve captured - whether it was downtown here in Austin, Chicago, Nashville, or even on the streets in Aruba - each are different in their own ways. Looking back at them all, going back as far as 2019 with an early shot from Chicago and adventures in Aruba, to just a couple weeks ago exploring Downtown Nashville.

Street Photography is something that I’ve only dabbled in a bit, not something I’ve practiced extensively, yet something I would love to continue doing. Ideally, going downtown and riding one of those electric scooters around and stopping to take photos sounds like something I could totally do. As you might have already guessed, this month’s theme is Street Photography. These photos are a collection/look back at the work I’ve done over the last couple years.


Downtown Chicago - 2019/2021


Aruba - 2019


Austin - 2019 Through 2022


Downtown San Francisco - 2021


I especially love the comparison of how I shot Nashville each time - the difference in style and color (or lack there of) during my first real visit to Downtown Nashville in Summer of 2021 vs Summer of 2022. The first time around I was shooting with he Fujifilm X-Pro 3 paired with the 35mm f/1.4 and the 100-400mm lens, while the second time I used my Fujifilm X-T3 with the 18-55mm lens and the 100-400 once more.

Downtown Nashville - 2021


Downtown Nashville 2022

It’s neat to take a look back at the street photos from these different places over the years. Observing life happening in different cities, people watching and passing by while they’re working or just sitting down, talking on the phone. Its interesting to capture that moment in time, knowing that something like that cannot fully be recreated, it’s unique to its time and space. Something I'd like to explore a bit more of and practice in the future. Hopefully I get to do that again soon. Though, I will say, it isn’t easy doing that with the 100-400 lens, its not so inconspicuous then.

I’m getting this blog out at a solid time, not a day or two before the end of the month, which I believe is a new record. I’ve really been interested in writing about my experiences more through blogs, and not just through these monthly themes set up my FujifilmXWorld. I’m not sure if anyone else is reading these or enjoying these posts but I am open to feedback of all kinds. I’ve been thinking about different (non-theme) blog posts to write about and topics I could discuss on here, incorporating not only my love of photography but my endearment towards writing. It’s something I used to do often and I am glad that I can bridge both worlds together in this space. Let me know what else you might want to read from me. Until then, I hope you get out there and shoot some great photos, get artistic, and simply enjoy creating.

Also, side note, if anyone would like to have one of the Golden Hour shots taken in Downtown Chicago, I currently have that up on my Etsy Store as a digital download. It’s three bucks, that helps me continue doing what I love doing, if not, no worries. I guess this is kind of my soft opening of my print store.



Photography and Social Media - The Constant Desire To Be Noticed.


This Lens Cost Me Less Than $25